
nba竞猜官网远见卓识会员撰写, Qosmedix

想象一下,在高峰时段,必需品用完了:用完最后一个 的头发衬托 染了一半的头发,或者想做一个没有头发的高髻 [1] 鲍比针. These situations negatively impact 客户满意度 and slow down your schedule, 导致错过约会和损失收入. Maintaining and organizing your inventory is crucial to smoothly operate a salon and avoid stressful situations like these.

有效的库存管理直接影响到费用, 客户满意度, 以及最终整个企业的成功. 一个管理良好的用品柜确保造型师可以找到他们喜欢的产品, 提升客户的整体体验. +, 当您拥有任何客户端请求所需的工具时, 他们更有可能给你的沙龙回头客.



什么是库存管理? In simple terms, it’s the process of ordering, storing, and using your supplies, tools and products.

而库存管理的周期适用于大多数行业, some specific challenges are unique to the salon industry and should be considered when determining how to approach inventory m26层. 比如易腐物品的挑战, 多样化的产品线, and varying client preferences require more strategic approaches to inventory m26层. 有效地重新订购和储存物资, 减少浪费, 而预测客户的需求需要对产品的保质期有深入的了解, 紧跟行业趋势, 实现高效的排序实践.

让这个过程更容易接近, we’ve broken this guide into three sections: how to understand your needs based on data, 最大化存储的最佳方法, 以及减少浪费的想法.


The foundation of a strong system lies in understanding customer needs and industry trends, 与供应商建立牢固的关系(以及这样做的重要性), 以及如何实现一个动态而强大的订购系统.

1.    进行全面的需求评估

  1. 在大多数与商业有关的事业中,第一步是 了解你的客户,沙龙的库存管理也不例外. 客户的要求是什么?? 你最常使用的用品是什么? Gather and analyze customer demand, preferences from your stylists, and market trends. This can be done using traditional feedback methods like surveys or informally on social media.
    1. 接下来, 分析销售数据 识别受欢迎的产品和服务. 一旦你有了这些重要的信息, you will start to recognize patterns and can use them to adjust your inventory accordingly.

2.    预测趋势并做出相应调整

Trends often influence customer requests; it’s easy to spot a fad when you receive an increase in bookings for certain haircuts or colors. So it’s important to stay tuned into your customers and look out for trends on the horizon. 与实践, this will help you adjust your inventory and future orders based on seasonal variations and emerging trends.

潮流发现可能令人生畏, 在每个新主题上保持领先地位也就不那么重要了, 但每年都有一些起起落落. Are November and December packed because everyone wants their hair to look great for the holidays? Try anticipating increased demand for specific products during these seasonal changes. 例如, 在寒冷的季节,你可能会看到对补水产品的需求增加, 尤其是在 头皮精华液越来越受欢迎. Get ahead of this by stocking hydrating scalp serums if you operate in a location with a dry winter. Understanding the seasonality of your business will better equip you to be prepared for these busier months, 最终通过确保你有适当的库存水平来防止库存过剩.

3.    建立牢固的供应商关系

与供应商建立长期关系是值得的. 作为一个 威尔逊中心的一份报告指出, clear lines of communication and building trust between your suppliers is the key to being able to offer retail products and services your clients love and the tools needed to keep your salon running. 与供应商建立牢固的信任甚至可能导致更好的定价, 独家产品, 或者提前进入, 因此,闲聊可能不像看起来那么小. Increase the client experience and the success of your salon with strong vendor relationships.

4.    库存控制:跟踪使用和建立补充计划

Maintaining strong vendor relationships is just one piece of the puzzle to ensure the items you need get there when you need them; the other is making sure to order the right items at the right time. 跟踪产品使用情况, 设置重订点, and establishing a replenishment schedule are all key to ensuring your inventory m26层 system runs smoothly over time. Automating this process will let you spend less time dealing with logistics and more time doing what you love: styling.

库存管理软件之类的 Mangomint, lets you track product levels in real time and automatically initiate reorders when needed. Setting alerts when inventory levels drop below a predetermined amount also helps you switch from reactive to proactive ordering. 对于有多个零售地点的沙龙,我们推荐我们的 业务选择工具, which simplifies complex ordering and inventory m26层 with one easy-to-use resource.


现在你的库存需求和补充系统已经分类了, 储存和整理它将使你的沙龙业务从库存到高效.

组织你的沙龙用品,方便访问, 根据产品使用频率对产品进行分类. Place most-loved and most frequently used items at eye level to give easy access to your stylists and serve as a quick visual check for what refills need to be ordered. 举个例子, Barbicide. 发型师需要每天更换罐子里的巴比杀剂(而不是 喷雾瓶 存储), so placing refills in an easily accessible location at eye level ensures stylists never run out and are more conscious of when your salon may need refills.

按使用频率组织产品可以简化服务流程. This not only means that stylists can spend more time with clients and less time stocking, 而且,客户花更少的时间等待,有更愉快的体验. 搁置, 垃圾箱, and labeling systems can take this a step further by reducing the time spent searching for products and minimizing the risk of errors. 如果员工记不住物品的去向, consider making labels or miniature diagram stickers that can be placed on the inside of shelves/drawers.


有效管理库存的最后一步是尽量减少浪费. 扔掉过期的产品不仅会影响沙龙的财务状况, 它会对地球产生负面影响 -可能会破坏我们的食物和水供应. 采用定期检讨和更新存货记录的制度, 密切关注保质期. Conduct monthly audits to identify expired or slow-moving products to ensure accurate inventory records and update your replenishment schedule. 不要忘记记住不断变化的消费者偏好, 季节性需求带来了高峰和低谷, 哪些产品基本上是永久添加的. The more closely aligned your salon’s supplies are with client needs, the less waste will be created.

即使在建立了这样一个系统之后, 有些产品可能在你的沙龙使用或销售之前就已经坏了. 在这些情况下, it’s important that cosmetic products are responsibly and properly disposed of to minimize environmental impact. 在很多情况下, 制造商将有适当的退货程序, 因此,在丢弃任何过期的库存之前,先与他们核实一下.

负责任地丢弃过期库存是一个良好的开端, 但不需要扔掉任何库存是最理想的! 有了这个指南, 现在,您已经掌握了预测客户需求和趋势的诀窍, 建立牢固的供应商关系, 跟踪产品使用情况, 制定补充计划, 有效地组织库存, 尽量减少浪费.

Effective inventory m26层 not only improves operational efficiency but also positively impacts the bottom line and 客户满意度, 所以花时间建立一个最适合你的系统绝对是值得的. 了解更多改善客户沙龙体验的方法,请关注我们的 QosmeTips博客 探索我们的自由 业务选择平台 花更少的时间管理库存和更多的时间造型!


  • 糟糕的库存管理如何影响沙龙[1] 的成功?

糟糕的库存管理会导致现金流问题, 过度放牧, 以及由于产品缺货和财务损失导致的客户不满.

  • 沙龙老板应该保留多少库存?

沙龙 owners should maintain enough inventory to meet average customer demand without 过度放牧. Inventory quantities vary based on factors like salon size, location, and customer preferences. 考虑定期审计和日常监控,以帮助优化库存水平.

  • 什么 are the best practices for managing salon inventory to reduce waste and increase profits?

沙龙库存管理的最佳实践包括组织产品, 使用可靠的库存管理系统, 设定预算, 进行定期审核, 避免变质和收缩, 并优化库存水平以满足客户需求.

  • Qosmedix如何帮助我管理沙龙的库存?

Qosmedix提供了一系列适合沙龙使用的库存库存. 我们的团队可以提供优质的产品, 可靠的供应链, 并协助库存管理解决方案量身定制您的沙龙的需求. nba竞猜官网,了解我们如何提供帮助!